Saturday, March 30, 2013

(J) The Dreamer-

Jared turned to take a last look at the bartender before going out from the door. He bit his lower lip gently and tried not to smile. He blew onto his coffee so it would cool down faster. Walking down the street mindlessly Jared noticed that his thoughts went to that guy over and over again. Thinking about his dark brown eyes, small stubble and short dark hair. Smile rose to his lips unwillingly. He tried to shook those thoughts off by drinking coffee and trying to focus more on the walk it self. After again catching himself thinking of this guy he tried to reason that there's no point in thinking about him, he didn't even know his name and he so not was going to crush on him. "I mean please, Jared are you kidding yourself! You only went to pick a cup of coffee, and he wasn't even particularly nice towards me. And you've seen better looking guys, so what's the big deal? You'll probably forget him by tomorrow, and he sure wont remember me." Jared's thoughts rambled in his mind loudly, but on the outside just a quiet sigh came out. He had came to his front door, surprisingly fast. Grunting to the empty cup he took his keys from the back pocket of his tight jeans and opening the door to his dark and empty apartment. "I'm home!" Jared yelled to the emptiness closing front door behind him and tossing his keys to the side table next to it. He headed right to bedroom and slumped to bed, all clothes still on. He laid there in the dark for few minutes before searching the light switch on bedside table and turning a light on. Low displeased grunt left from his lips as the light hit him in the face. Squinting his eyes in the now lighted room he got up to sit on the edge of his bed, realizing he was still holding the coffee cup on his hand. He crumpled the cup and tossed it in the dustbin on the corner of the room, it landed right in. Jared kicked his shoes off and tugged his shirt and jeans off as well, leaving nothing on but briefs.  He tossed the clothes on chair that was near. Yawning and rubbing his eyes he let his body to fall back onto the bed, he was really tired. Even too tired to wash his make up off. As he crawled under the blanket and curled up to a nice position and already to fall asleep he remembered that he hadn't gave food to Mr.Snuggles, he would have to get up. The kitchen never had seemed to be so far away before, wandering his way there and thinking where the hell his cat was hiding this time. Usually she was always waiting for him to get home. Jared took a sachet of kitty food from the cabinet, emptied it to the food bowl and tinkled it so Snuggles would hear it. No nothing. Weird. Jared started to return to his bedroom and walked pass the bathroom, oops he had forgot to leave the door open in rush. He cracked the door open and Snuggles scuttled out of there to the kitchen. No wonder he hadn't seen the cat around. Now he could go to bed and have some sleep. Finally.
When Jared woke up the next day, it was already afternoon. He had kicked the blanket to the floor apparently in his sleep, since it wasn't on the bed. Mr.Snuggles was sleeping on the pillow next to his head, Jared reached to pet her. The cat woke up to the touch and took a better position on the pillow. Jared yawned and stretched his limbs exhaling heavily when resting his arms on top of his bare chest. He was thinking about the dream he had last night, even there had been the good looking guy from last night. He was smiling again when thinking about him, Jared tilted his head back and looked onto Snuggles's back "Should I do something about this whole thing?" he asked from the cat, as if it would answer to him. "Maybe I'll just go there again. What do you think? mmmh" he continued his partly self encouragement speech to the cat and scratched her gently. After the cat ran off Jared got up and sat there for a while thinking of what he really should do, but only ended up burying his head onto his hands in frustration. Still he had decided that something must be done!

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