Sunday, March 31, 2013

(C) The Thinker-

When Colin got home that night slightly exhausted, yet really tired. He went right to the bed and fell soon asleep. Colin woke up to a sun light shining right into his face trough his large windows. He rolled over to his other side and tried to continue sleeping. But that ray of light had woke him up enough, and thoughts of the dream he just had started to flow in his mind. He didn't remember the details, but he was sure that Jared had been there. Colin realized that he was smiling. He pushed that thought aside and rubbed his face and yawned, his hand stroking trough his messy hair. He exhaled heavily and stood up and glanced the alarm clock on the bed side table. It was too soon in Colin's mind. He grabbed a bathrobe tossing it to his shoulder, walking to kitchen he loaded the coffee machine and pressed it on. The coffee would be ready when he'd be out of the shower. He trudged to bathroom and went to shower. Cold water felt good and refreshing on morning, he washed his body and hair quickly. As he stepped out he looked to the mirror, nah he wouldn't have to shave. The stubble wasn't bad, besides he had shaved yesterday! He dressed in the bathrobe and slippers, he ruffled his hair so extra water would drip off and they would dry faster. When he opened the bathrooms door and walked the hallway towards kitchen a fresh coffees smell was flowing there, Colin whiffed the air pleased.
Kitchen was bathing in sunlight, Colin looked to the small balcony. His eternal dilemma on mornings, should he go out for a smoke or not since he had just have a shower. After pondering a while he grabbed his long jacket from chairs back rest and went out. Almost closing the door behind him he started to rummage his pockets for smokes and lighter. "Aww c'mon they can't be over already. I would remember that." he muttered alone, finally finding the pack from his breast pocket. Well there wasn't many left, he frowned to the crumpled and almost empty pack. Even the cigarettes were barely in shape. He found lighter from other pocket and while taking it out a folded paper fell out. Colin lit the smoke and placed the lighter onto a patio table next to him. He bent over to pick the paper from ground, and slumped onto the chair close to him he folded the paper open. Ah yes, it was the posted Jared had gave him. Colin eyed it and slowly inhaled from his cig. Apparently it was some sort of night for rookie musics to play. There were several names on the poster, Colin spotted Jared's name among them. He wasn't sure if he should go or not, it could give some wrong image of him. But then again if he didn't go, would it be rude? And Colin really was kind of curious to hear what kind of music Jared played. Now all those times that Colin had seen Jared scribble in his notebook made sense.  Colin took long breath from the cig tilting his head back and letting the smoke out, he even managed to do few smoke rings. "What the hell, I'll go. I have nothing to lose." He thought. Then he started to think, and looked the date. "Oh fuck no!" he had a shift on that day. Maybe he could switch it to some other day. "Great, now I need to go to work on my day off" Colin sighed. He finished his cigarette and went inside. He attached the posted on his fridge's door with a magnet. "Now finally that coffee" Colin talked to himself, taking a large cup from cupboard and filling it with coffee.

     It was pretty chilly outside when Colin was walking to the bar, he took last turn around the corner and entered in. He automatically took a glance at the table where Jared usually sat, and for his surprise he was sitting there today too. Jared looked to the door when Colin entered, they smiled to each other. But Colin walked by him and headed to the counter, thank god his friend Jeremy was working. "Oh, Colin hi!" Jeremy greeted "I thought it was your day off today" he continued. "Yeah, it is. And kind of about that, could I have day off on Saturday. I know I'm supposed to be working, but could I have it off? Please?" Colin smiled to his co-worker, raising his eyebrows. "Are you serious?" Jeremy asked, looking at Colin trying to see if he was kidding. "Please, Jer? I uh kinda of have this one thing...heh?" Colin tried to beg his friend. Jeremy didn't look amused at all and when he started to say something Colin quickly continued "I'll cover one of your shifts up! Seriously, just this once. You know me, I keep my promises. Please." He finished crossing his hands together. Jeremy sighed loudly looking into Colin's eyes "Fine. But just this once. You owe me big time!" he agreed, pointing at Colin with his index finger. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you~" "Yeah, yeah. Now calm down. So what's on Saturday?" Jeremy pried. "I told you, a thing" Colin tried to avoid answering. "I want to know and you're almost obligated to tell me.  Since I'm doing your shift that day. So spit it out." Jeremy wasn't giving up. Colin sighed and rolled his eyes "Well, I'm going to this one club." "aha?" it was Jeremy's cue to continue "And uh... This one guy is playing there. Happy now?" "What guy?" Jeremy was genuinely surprised. "So, can I have a beer now?" Colin tried to change the subject, "No. What guy?". Colin frowned "Well, some guy who.. ... plays. Dude, give me a beer before I come and help myself out." Colin could see that Jeremy wasn't satisfied of his answer, but poured beer for him. "Well you'll tell me after Saturday. Okay?" It really wasn't a question, it was statement. Colin just nodded and took the beer.
Colin walked next to Jared's table "Hey. Is that seat taken?" he asked pointing to chair on opposite side of Jared. "No, it's uh totally free" Jared replied. Colin sat down. "I assume you're not working today?" Jared tried to make up conversation. "Yeah, I'm having a free day." Colin replied and took a gulp of his beer. Jared nodded, he was playing with his pen. "Hey, about the gig you're having. I'll think I can make it. What time it is? I tried to look from the poster, but it was pretty messy." Colin tried to sound careless, even thought he was curious. He noticed that Jared was biting his lower lip, he looked kind of cute. Colin had to look away , he took another swig at his beer and looked to the counter where Jer was looking back at him. "Well uh, it starts already when the club opens. But I won't be playing until later on evening. I guess like, after seven or so. It's really not like set in stone." Jared replied with a smile. "Okay, I'll be there then." Colin returned the smile "So what are you playing?" he continued. "Guitar, acoustic." Jared took a sip from his coffee. Colin chatted with Jared and before he even noticed he had finished his beer. "I'm getting new one, want something? A new coffee perhaps?" Colin asked little unsure if it was too friendly. "Umh, I think I'll take beer. It's kind of late for coffee." Jared smiled shortly. Colin grinned and left to the counter. He opened his mouth to place order, but Jeremy was faster "Is that your new mystery guy?", Colin shut his mouth and glanced at Jeremy "" he denied. Even he wouldn't believe that. "I'll take two beers, thanks" "Oh! So it is!" Jeremy  determined and poured the beers for Colin at the same time. "I've been seeing that guy here pretty often." Jeremy continued, Colin thought that it would be better to stay silent and let Jeremy to do his own deductions. "Does he have a crush on you? I think he has. I mean it's kind of obvious, right?" Jeremy paused for Colin to say something, but he didn't. "Wait, do YOU have a crush on him?" Now there was a little judging and worrying mixed in Jeremy's tone. Colin shrugged "I don't know, what if I did?". Jeremy squinted his eyes "no, It's uh.. Really? Well umh.. It's cool, I guess?" He babbled and then handing the beers to Colin who walked back to table. Colin and Jared chatted the whole evening there and finally both headed home. While walking home Colin was thinking his feelings, he tried to deny the idea of being gay. He couldn't possibly have a crush on Jared, it was just not happening. But then again, he did feel something for Jared. It wasn't same that he felt with his friends, because Jared gave him butterflies. With those thoughts he went to sleep.


  1. All the feels! ^^

    Hokay. First part..I like the amount of detail you give to Colin's life. Pointless things like decisions on smoking, putting on his bathrobe..provides so much insight. Personifies him, me gusta!
    I also like that he had to work through a 'conflict', cuz he had a shift the day Jared was playing. Felt realistic =P And yay, new character..Jeremy! Ok, he doesn't seem important..but new characters are always nice regardless.

    Colin and Jared's exchange was nice, albeit short (I'm biased..I just constantly want more xD). Colin's uncertainty over being too friendly, Jared's casual attitude..all of it was cute! Jeremy's involvement as Colin's friend was neat at the end. Oh and I liked that you ended it on a /bit/ of a cliffhanger. Like Colin's dealing with his thoughts (you know, if he's really gay or not). <-- Liked that you added that rather than them just 'instantly' falling for each other.

    Overall, as usual I liked the story and have way too much to say xD I just feel like Colin and Jared somewhat changed roles recently though. Colin's more..umm..friendly? And Jared seems a bit more..reserved. Idk if that's intentional or because it's supposed to lead upto something, I shall have to wait and see! *impatiently awaits next update*

  2. Good job ! Hope there will be other parts in this story.
