Friday, March 29, 2013

(C) First Meeting-

Colin was working a night shift on the bar, serving customers after another. The job wasn't giving much challenge and he was just bored. Every once in a while someone ordered something special or stayed for a quick chitchat, other than that it was boring. Today was awfully quiet day, and it was almost closing time and he was last worker left. He was wiping tables when he heard voice, "Hey. Are you guys still open?" there was young dark haired guy standing behind him. "Well, I'm just closing up, but sure what ever." Colin walked behind the counter "So what can I get you?" he asked, you could hear from his voice that he was tired. "Do you have coffee?", Colin nodded "To go?", "yeah, no milk or sugar." he added before Colin could ask. Colin smiled to him, and poured coffee in the cardboard cup and handed it to the guy. "The lids are there" Colin pointed to a small counter. "Okay, thanks. You guys are like the only place open anymore at this hour." he smiled, paid the coffee and left. Colin watched him walk out. The guy didn't even leave a proper tip for him.

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