Saturday, March 30, 2013


(J) It had been few days since Jared had popped in first time at the bar where Colin was working. Just before entering the place Jared crossed his fingers and hoped that the same guy was working there, as he stepped inside his eyes searched the place and with his luck found him right behind the counter. A wide smile appeared on his face as he proceed to walk towards counter on the line, there wasn't many people before him. As his turn came he was still smiling pretty widely. Colin looked at him "Hi. What can I get you?" he sounded so monotonic. Like he didn't even remember him, just as Jared had feared "uh, coffee black" he replied quietly, almost mumbling. "What?", apparently it had been too quiet. Jared coughed and repeated himself and looked Colin, hoping he'd gestured somehow that he'd remember him. Colin served Jared's drink and charged it. Jared smiled and politely thanked Colin and went to sit in free table near window. He rummaged his notebook that had seen better days out from his satchel. He took one of his many rubber bands from his wrist and tied his hair back on a tiny bun. After that he started to write in his notebook different rhymes and lyrics for his possible new songs.

          (C) Colin noticed when Jared came in to the bar.  He had to focus on the customers he was serving and drop the stupid thoughts! He wasn't falling for some random guy. "Play it cool Colin." he chanted in his head. And there he was in front of him ready to order. "I bet he takes coffee" Colin thought "Quick! Say something, you're the bartender for fuck's sake!". Colin asked what the guy wanted, his lips were moving but Colin couldn't hear a thing because his concentration were on Jared's bright blue eyes. Colin had to ask again, since he couldn't catch it on first try. "What a rookie mistake!" a tiny voice snarled in his head. This time he heard what it was and he poured the coffee in cup and handed it to Jared. Colin smiled to the guy, but just a hint of too late. He already had left the counter, leaving a lousy tip again, but Colin didn't mind. Now he had to concentrate on other customers wanting to order, but he tried his best to sneak a glance to this guy. Multitasking wasn't his best quality and the old woman on the counter had to snap him back into reality, "Hey where's that martini with a twist I ordered?" she demanded. "Sorry, coming right up!" Colin responded with an awkward smile and started to make her drink. He took a quick look on the window table and noticed that Jared had tied his hair up "It looks nice" Colin thought. He tried his best to not stare at the guy and pay attention to his work now. Otherwise he wouldn't get any tips today at all!

          Jared didn't even notice time passing by so fast when he was concentrating on his writing. He had finished his coffee while back, the end of had been cold. Colin was collecting empty cups and glasses from table and went to pick Jared's as well. When he reached the table and grabbed the cup, Jared's intense gaze from the notebook rose "Hey!" he yelped, Colin twitched a little he wasn't waiting that. Colin turned to see Jared's face "Yeah?", "I was going to get another cup.. of coffee." Jared said and subtly pointed the cup. "Oh" Colin raised his eyebrows in surprise "Black?" he quickly added to it. "Yeah. Thanks." Jared smiled to him, Colin returned the smile and went to fill Jared's cup. At the same time Jared dug his pockets to find his money to pay the coffee. Colin was back at the table and put down the coffee onto the table, Jared was already handing the money for him. "The extra cup is free." Colin stopped him, with a little smirk on his face. "It is?" now it was Jared's turn to be surprised, Colin just nodded. "How about the third one?" Jared jested, Colin uttered a laugh "We'll see." he turned away and walked back to the counter where few customers were already waiting to get served. Jared took his cup and raised it onto his lips, hiding a smile behind it and looking to that handsome guy and finally taking a sip from the cup. Suddenly Colin looked back at him catching him looking at him, both gave a little awkward smile to each other and then got back to what they were doing. Jared tried to make few more rhymes, but only was able to draw tiny hearts on the marginals. Colin was smiling to himself, he was feeling good. The extra cup really wasn't free, he was just being nice to that guy. Inside he was hoping that he'd come here again.

          Jared stayed at the bar still for a while, trying to rhyme. But it didn't went well. He finally finished his coffee in irritation and packed his stuff back in the satchel. He took a last glance at the counter, Colin wasn't there. Jared sighed quietly, but headed left. As he stepped out he pulled a cigarette out from his pocket, and patted his pocket to locate the lighter. "Oh man, did I left it home?" he thought is slight panic, "You need a light?" familiar voice asked. Jared look up to see that Colin was standing there having a smoke. Jared had just located his lighter in one of his pockets, but instead of using it he replied to Colin with a tiny smile "Sure" it was almost just a breath trough his lips. He took few steps towards to Colin, who was holding the lighter so Jared could light his cigarette. "Thanks, I'm Jared by the way." Jared said carelessly while taking few inhales from his cig and trying to make eye contact him. "Colin" he presented himself looking into Jared's eyes, "Man they are blue" he thought and took last inhales from his cig before stumping it onto ashtray. Colin slowly started to walk away back to the bar, but turned around "So, see ya around, I guess."  he said hint of asking in his tone. "Most likely" Jared replied with a nod and waved his hand for bye, he as well started to head away, making his his way home.

           (J) After that day Jared started to go in that bar few times a week. Trying to deepen his relationship in Colin and courage to ask him out. Few times he had taken some of friends with him and had a longer night in there, drinking and socializing. But most of the times he was there, sitting on 'his table' as he liked to think of it, drinking coffee, sometimes even spiked and writing lyrics. Few times Colin had joined in his company for a brief moment when the business was slow. Still Jared didn't know much about Colin, they had quite platonic relationship. It had been over a month now and Jared's patience was running out. He had finally figured a way to ask Colin out!
     Next time Jared went there it was pretty late already. He drank few beers during that night. Colin was starting to close down. Jared took last sips form his beer finishing it, walked to the counter where Colin was and placed his empty glass to in front of him. "Enjoyed it?" Colin smirked, "Oh yes" Jared smiled back to him  and dug a creased poster out of his satchel.  "Umh, I'm playing in this club this weekend. I mean if you'd like to come. It's totally free." Jared mumbled little shy, handing the posted to Colin. Who took it, little surprised Jared being so bold. Then again it could've been just a nice friendly gesture.

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