Stitch me up - Thorki AU

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Writing Challenge DAY 4:

  • Theme: Hospital AU
  • Pair: Thorki
  • Rating: E/K
  • Word Count: 1880
  • Other notes: Thor get's beaten up on his work, Loki is the doctor who patches him up. Both are normal humans, and they're not brothers.

Stitch me up
It was quite busy afternoon at the emergency room. A huge guy with long blond hair was one of the many patients waiting to get to see doctor. He was holding his head tilted back, holding from bride of his nose, eyes closed. He looked badly beaten up, some blood stains covering his white blouse that was barely holding together. It was a weird thing to see, since he looked like he would beat up anyone with his eyes closed. He had huge muscles and he had to be at least 6'3, he reminded of some big wild animal. Bear, big and strong, or that how he appeared to look for others. He was slumping in the chair, his hair was messy, it had some blood clumps in it. There was clearly some bruises starting to form on his face, some parts all swollen ready to turn black. Even though he looked like hell, he didn't seem to be hurting. Hours had passed as he had patiently sat in the waiting room. "Odinson, Thor?" The door opened and called out. The man got up from the leather bench and grabbed his jacket along when he almost rushed towards the room, the lean looking doctor was waiting at the doorway. Thor went in to the room and sat on the examination chair that was in the middle of the room. The doctor closed the door behind him  and went to sit on his chair and quickly eyed Thor's papers. "I'm doctor Loki Layfeyson." he said while tugging rubber gloves on and rolling towards Thor with his chair. "Now let's take a look at you, shall we?" he chatted and looked up with a polite smile, Thor didn't reply since it seemed to be more like a rhetorical question. "So how did you manage to get your  self in that condition?" Loki asked while he was looking at the amount of Thor's injuries. "Well, I had a disagreement with this one guy. He didn't take it well." Thor grinned, a dry barely a laugh came out as well. Loki looked at Thor's hand, his knuckles were all battered. "I'm a bouncer." Thor continued, he didn't want to give off wrong impression. Loki nodded and then started to examine the wounds on Thor's face, "these need to be cleaned first. Then I can see if you need any stitches. Are these all? On your face and hands." Loki asked and went to pick up cleaning supplies. "Well one of them stabbed me." Thor said pretty calmly, like it was nothing. "Then I need to clean that too, can you show it?", Thor obeyed and he unbuttoned his blouse and took it off placing it next to him. You could see that Thor took care of his body, he was basically just muscles. He had a big tattoo on his left arm and it reached to his chest too, there were some old scars and the newest one was looking gross, it was on his left side quite down. Loki turned around and pushed a small metal trolley next to the chair, he smacked his lips when he saw the final wound "Oh my.. Would you like to lie down or..?" Loki asked while eyeing the biggest would, "Is it easier for you if I lay down?" "Probably yes.". Thor tossed his jacket and blouse to the chair that was close to the wall and then replaced himself to the examination chair, laying down like Loki had requested. "Let's start from your face" Loki talked calmly and dipped the cotton ball into disinfectant and let it soak well, Thor was observing as Loki did it. Loki rolled with his saddle chair as close to Thor as he could and was looking from were to start. He placed his hand gently on Thor's jawline and pressed the cotton on the corner of his eye, Thor closed his eye and whisper like grunt came out. Loki pressed it down for a second and then swabbed it clean, he proceeded to nose. It had quite large cut on it, Loki took another cotton ball "So what was the disagreement? It looks like you really got beaten up?" Loki tried to start a small conversation. "It was pretty normal situation. The guy was drunk and was harassing this one lady, I went between the situation and told him to took off or I will have to remove him from the bar. He seemed to leave at first, but just moment later he was harassing other lady. I went to tell him that it's his time to go. Usually they go with only slight resistant. Not this guy, he punched me to my face first and broke one glass and started to wave with it, that's how I got the cut on my nose." Thor sounded tired, but as he told the story he was calm and his rough deep voice didn't crack and it seemed like this was every day thing for him. Loki was swiping the cut on nose and looking closer now that it was clean and not covered in dry blood clumps if it needed any stitches. "If it comforts at all this was pretty clear cut, I don't think you'll be needing stitches on this one. And there's really not a way to put butterfly on here. so just be careful with it. Let it heal. okay?" Loki explained. Thor just nodded. Loki cleaned rest of the small wounds on Thor's face. "And now hands, could you hand over your right hand?" Loki asked, Thor reached it to his left side where Loki was. He took it gently to his own hand and first cleaned the knuckles, there was already some scab formed on them. Thor grunted again when the disinfectant got to his wounds. "So how did you manage to get your hands this battered? Looks like you've been mauling down a rock or something." Loki tried to chat with Thor to take his mind off the pain. "Self defense." Thor grunted. "I've never seen self defense wounds like these." "Well" Thor smacked loudly and inhaled quickly "I managed to grab the glass shard away from him. After that he was all hands, and he did have quite much power. I took most of the punches on my hands. I accidentally tripped to a wooden table and it broke under me. I managed to get one punch trough, and finally dragged him out of the club. Apparently his friends followed us to outside where I left him and they jumped on me, one of them had a pocket knife. I knocked out two out of three, the last one got scared." Thor told, he snorted and used his free hand to wipe his nose. But for a surprise it was bleeding. "Hey, Doc. Can you hand me a paper towel or something?". Loki looked up from his work to see what had happened, "Oh my" he handed a tissue to Thor who jammed it in his nostril. Loki was still eyeing him "should I be worried about that? Does your nose bleed often?" "No no no, it's normal. I've got punched so many times and my nose has been broken few times. So my nose starts easily bleeding." Thor quickly explained while tilting his head back little and holding firmly from his bridge of nose. Loki eyed Thor and his idea of normal, but then continued to cleaning Thor's hand. He was soon done and took Thor's left hand now and cleaned it up, he chatted with Thor while doing so. Loki was fast on his job, but still very skillful and lastly moved to the stab wound. First cleaning it from all the dried scab and blood and what seemed like dirt. Thor grunted loudly when the disinfectant got to the wound, it felt like he was being stabbed, again! "Please, you must try and stay still, or this will only take longer." Loki tried his best to calm the big guy. "To be honest with ya doc, this feels a lot nastier than actually getting stabbed." Thor laughed wryly. Loki smiled a little "Well mister Odinson, maybe you shouldn't get stabbed in the first place" he made quiet sneer at the end of his sentence that had a questioning tone in it. "Touché" Thor was amused. Loki was done cleaning the wound and he now examined it closer, feeling with his fingers around it "I need to stitch this up." he decided and fetched supplies so he could do so. Thor was cursing and cussing inside his head, he pulled the paper towel out from his nose and tapping it few times back to see if his nose still bled, it didn't. Since he didn't know where to put the paper he just crumpled it in his fist. Loki was now ready "This will hurt a little, but like I said, please try to stay as still as you can. I will do topical anesthesia first so it shouldn't hurt badly." he explained while anesthetizing the area. Thor sighed loudly. After waiting few minutes, Loki gently tapped the wound area "Can you feel this? Does it hurt?" "No, not so much than before." Thor replied. "Good, then I shall begin. Let's stitch you up." Loki smiled to Thor and put his face mask on, he took the stitching needle which already had the thread in it. With steady hands he started to stitch up the wound. Thor just squeezed the paper towel in his first and just bit the bullet. For Thor's luck Loki was fast in his job and soon it was over, but it felt like a short eternity for him. "Okay we're done here, you endured well." Loki said while removing his face mask and putting the tools down. Thor was ready to get, but Loki stopped him "wait, wait! I still need to cover it up." that said he placed a fold to protection and taped it on. "Now you can get up and dress up." Loki removed his gloves and tossed then to trash with the other disposable items and rolled to his computer. Thor slowly got up, grunting a little he got to his shirt and got dressed. "Would you like some painkillers?" Loki asked while he was typing something on his computer, his took a quick look on Thor, "I think I'll be okay. Thanks." "Well I am going to order some sick leave. You need to wait till the big wound is better and so the stitches wont open. okay?" Loki commanded "You can take the fold off when you get home. You can shower normally, don't rub the stitched. They melt off, so you don't need to come and get them took off. And of course be carefully, no reckless or hasty moves or anything that can make them open up." he continued. Thor just nodded it off "Got it. Thanks doc." he thanked and got his papers from Loki. "See ya around" Thor said when he left the room, it came off naturally as a 'goodbye', "I hope not." Loki laughed back. Thor barely heard it, but chuckled to it in his head, "true that probably wouldn't be good" he though.

This took longer than I wanted. AND it never reached the point where I wanted it to end. So consider this as the 'first chapter', I will one day continue this with new chapters.

1 comment:

  1. I read this a while ago already but anyway, I liked this :3
