I won't give up - FrostIron

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Writing Challenge DAY 3:

  • Theme: Sad
  • Pair: FrostIron
  • Rating: K+ (T?)
  • Word Count: 1993
  • Other notes: Kind of independent sequel to Writing Challenge Day 2. Tony got corgi puppy as present from Loki, named Thor.

I won't give up

It was Saturday morning. Tony was still sleeping, almost clinging to Loki who was sleeping next to him, neatly on his own side of the bed, unlike Tony who had taken a lot of space, but that was just how he slept. While he was still fast asleep there were tiny paws walking on top of him. Soon he woke up to a moist nose sniffing in his ear and wet tongue licking his face. Tony laughed, it tickled him and he scrabbled around to catch this tickler. He found the furry source and lifted him in air, finally opening eyes and taking a look at the tickler. "Morning Thor." Tony muttered and scratched him under his collar, Thor seemed enjoying from it. Tony sniffled and turned so that he was facing Loki, who was still sleeping. Tony had mischievous smile on his face when he looked at Thor then back to Loki "We should wake up daddy." he tried to guide Thor who didn't understand at all. Tony placed the dog right in front of Loki's face, "Go on Thor, wake daddy up!" Tony cheered to the puppy. Thor eyed the sleeping person and sniffed around before he approved and poked Loki with his moist snout and gave a wet kiss straight to his nose, waking up loki from his sleep. Loki wiped his nose with the back of his hand and then petted his awakener. Thor hopped his way back to Tony who had now gotten up and went to the closet, trying to find what clothes to wear. Thor jumped to his feet, seeking for his attention. "Honey?" Tony called, Loki just groaned a little from the bed in a sign of being awake and hearing Tony. "Are we going to go somewhere today?" there was a long silent pause on Loki's side, he was thinking but was dead tired "I don't think so" he finally was able to phrase out. "Thank God." Tony sighed in relief and grabbed the nearest tank top from the shelf, he wouldn't have to dress properly! Thor has burrowed his teeth to some expensive looking shoe on the floor. Tony didn't care, Thor was having fun and he had enough money to buy hundreds of shoes if he wanted to. Tony walked out of the bed room and on his way out he passed by Loki and slid his hand on Loki's feet, Loki pulled it under the duvet since it tickled him. Thor was following Tony and carrying the shoe in his jaws, it looked ridiculous considering the shoe was almost the size of the dog it self! "I'm making coffee, so will you join me soon? oh and, I think Thor likes your sense of style, considering he picked his new chewing toy to be your Mr.Hare shoe." Tony said it in such casual voice, Loki buried his face into his pillow and tried not to scream.

Tony was sipping his morning coffee and reading the news on one of his many computers or more like the parts of house. He just slid his finger on the glass table's surface browsing the 'paper', occasionally talking to Jarvis and making him take up some notes. Loki finally slogged to the kitchen wearing his silk robe, hair still messy, he glanced to Thor who was still destroying his expensive shoe. "You better enjoy it! It's Italian handmade shoe, you pesky little destroyer!" Loki barked to the dog, Tony just laughed "Loki, please stop! You're way over reacting." Tony chuckled, Loki looked astounded "I'll get you new shoes if you like." Tony comforted his husband, while taking a sip of coffee. Loki still looked pissed "It's just that those aren't the first shoes he has destroyed." he murmured grimly on the way to the coffee maker and continued to same breath "And why are they always my stuff?! Are you teaching him to only to destroy my belongings?" He turned to face Tony who just had awry smile on his lips, he shook his head little "You're being so cute when you're pissed off." Loki just rolled his eyes, Tony never took anything seriously! He went to sit next to Tony on the bar stool, burying his head onto his hands. Tony looked little worried, "I mean it I'll buy you new shoes." he tried to cheer him up. "I'm just tired, I'm not pissed. But yes, you'll buy me new shoes. Those were custom made." Loki mumbled trough his hands before slowly stroking them trough his hair and taking a elastic hair band from his wrist and wrapping his hair up on a loose bun. Tony sniffled again and rubbed his eyes a little before emptying his coffee cup. "Are you becoming sick?" Loki looked to him, eyeing the man trying to see if he looked sick. "I hope not! I've been sniffling quite a lot recently, so maybe I am. But I doubt it's anything serious." Tony just shrugged it off and went to take another cup of coffee. Loki decided to drop the questions of Tony's health, he'd always become so defensive. "Have you fed the dog?" Loki threw another topic into the air while sipping his coffee and eyeing the news. Tony didn't respond to Loki, he just grabbed the kibble out of the cabinet and poured good amount of it to the dog bowl "Thooooor?! Come to eat!" Tony called Thor, who ran from across the room when he hear Tony's voice and started to eat with good appetite. Tony roughly petted the dog "Who's a good boy? Good boy, Thor!" he talked to the dog. Loki just smiled to his coffee, Tony was being so adorable.

Few days passed the same way, but Tony's condition just got worse and with that Loki was getting more worried. Tony was working in his workshop, doing one of his many projects. Loki entered, "Tony?" he called looking around to find him, a hand raised in the air, Loki walked towards it and found his husband halfway under a vintage car. "Can we talk?" Loki continued, this was all normal to him. "Sure, what's on your mind?" the voice answered under the car. "I - -, could yo- -, Tony. please, face to face. Not face to car." Loki insisted. Tony rolled out, still laying on the floor, black oil and grease spots covered his face "Yes dear?" there was sarcasm in his tone. Loki didn't approve that kind of behavior and looked at his husband patiently to his dark eyes till he got the hint to get up, which was luckily soon. Tony's nose and eyes were reddish, Loki offered a tissue, tony took it and blow his nose onto it offering it back after that. "No thanks" Loki replied and took long inhale before starting, "I think I know what's wrong with you." there was sadness in his eyes. "oh you do?" Tony wasn't buying it but was curious. "I think you might be allergic to Thor." Loki told Tony, who looked now even more unbelieving and was about to start argument but Loki was faster and continued "It all adds up. You got sick soon after we got him. And I would have most likely caught up your flu if it would be that. And you don't have fever. Just... well runny nose and your eyes don't look that well." Loki had made his point. Tony was feeling so many negative emotions that he didn't even know what to say "No." he just said almost tears in his eyes, they probably were from rage more than sadness. "Jarvis?" Loki called out calmly. "Yes, indeed sir. Loki has a valid point." the households own voice told, "you mixed even Jarvis onto this?!" Tony yelled, Loki didn't reply, instead Jarvis did "Sir, your husband was worried over you and I've merely been observing your state of health. And my diagnosis stands behind his." there was a silent pause "I'm sorry." Jarvis ended. "No." tony had a final word pointed his finger to Loki and rage in his eyes was now turning into sadness. He walked away and went to sit behind the corner, trying to cool it off, all those words echoing in his head. He didn't want to admit it, but they probably were right. Loki walked by him, and stopped to look at him. Loki knew that he wouldn't want to talk to him right now. "Take your time honey." Loki was already reaching to Tony, but pulled his hand back, Tony wasn't ready yet. He continued his way back to the top floors. After Loki had left Tony got up and went to his desk "Jarvis?" he called out, voice mixed with anger and curiosity, he had to know. "Yes, sir?" his polite program answered, "We're gonna figure this out now. Okay?" Tony didn't wait Jarvis to answer, he rummaged trough his desk and found a letter opener "Sir, I really hope you're not going to do what I think you're going to do." Jarvis commented, Tony did not reply but cut his arm, just so the skin broke, a little drop of blood rose up to the skin. "Thor!" Tony smacked his lips twice to call his dog who was somewhere in his workshop, soon the dog appeared in his sight. Tony took the dog on his lap and petted and cuddled him and made sure the newly made cut would be in contact with the dog. Thor was enjoying and asking for more, "I think that will do." Jarvis suddenly said. Tony still gave the dog few scratches before lowering him back to the floor where it left to sit and watch Tony for more love. "Now what?" Tony asked holding his hand up trying to see already reactions on his skin, but his eyes felt it before. The burning itchy sensation, Tony rubbed his eyes, it didn't help. And he sneezed loudly few times. "We have to wait." Jarvis responded "But isn't the other reactions enough to prove it?" he continued. "I need more proof J." Tony was stubborn. Tony waited and he saw how much his skin reacted to Thor, he didn't even say anything to Jarvis, he was so bummed that Loki had been right. Tony stood up and just left, Thor following him again like a baby. Tony walked straight to the living room where Loki was absorbed to some book. "You were right, are you happy now?" Tony barely could hold his voice together. Loki popped out of his concentration, "No, I'm not." he turned to see Tony's face. Tony's eyes were red from the allergic reaction and glistening because he was so close to crying. "Oh no, honey. Come here." Loki looked like he was suffering too, his arms open for Tony. Tony curled next to Loki in his sweet and loving hug that caressed him. Tony pressed his face to Loki's chest, Loki fondled his broken husband. Petting his hair and just being close, there. Thor was sitting on the floor, looking up to those two. "What do we do with Thor?" Tony finally was able to separate from Loki and studder few words. "I think you know the answer. We have to give him away." Loki replied, he was genuinely sad as well. "What if I'll use some medicines? Or or... . build something? I can do something, we don't have to do that." Tony tried to make up good reasons that just got worse, Loki pressed his hand on Tony's shoulder "No. I'm so sorry. But we have to find new home for him." Loki tried to keep calm for Tony's sake. Tony was biting his lower lip so he wouldn't cry. "What if we first ask our friends?" Loki suggested, "so you could still see him every once in a while.". Tony nodded "yeah, let's do that" it was barely a whisper coming out from his lips.

---- --- --- The End --- --- ----

Ps. If you're curious Tony convinced Pepper to Adopt Thor. Even though Tony was really down for a long time after that.

Probably will continue writing this eventually just a little longer (:


  1. Thankfully that wasn't as sad as I was expecting xD Kinda bummed Thor had to leave though. I like how you handled their emotions and conversations so delicately. Because they obviously had a lot to deal with, and you managed to work that into ~2k words. (Felt less than that =P ) Anyhow, I loved it! It was even the worth the time I took to research what Jarvis was xD. Great job dude, can't wait for the next one!

  2. OMG the end just made me cry a little ;;---;; this was good tho ::)♥
